
WOW: Democratic Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto has DEFEATED Republican Adam Laxalt.

Democrats officially retain control the United States Senate!

@MeidasTouch It’s being called for her, and this link shows her likely pulling further ahead as the final ballots are counted.

@MeidasTouch Is this with or without Warnock winning the Georgia run-off?

@Tarnagh @MeidasTouch Without. Nevada clinched it for tonight. Georgia will give us another seat!

The Dem Senate news will allow me to sleep a bit more soundly. The anxiety was jangling my brain.

@MeidasTouch Made my night!!! 👍 Red wave? More like a red FIZZLE! 🤣

@MeidasTouch so Rs still get to shadow control it via Manchin and Sinema. Lovely.

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