Donald Trump is trying to gaslight his base into thinking the midterms went well for him, but even the most radical MAGA types know it didn't. His obsession with Ron DeSantis makes him look especially weak and small. His old tricks aren't going to work anymore.
@MeidasTouch Everyone on Fox News called him a "Big Loser" today.
In other news, Florida ran out of ketchup today.
@MeidasTouch Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Marjorie Taylor Green, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert (maybe).
Let's face it. The Republican Party isn't a serious political party anymore. It's an American embarrassment.
@MeidasTouch still waiting for the maga-cult compound to burn down.
He could "shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose any voters".
But, if you lose midterms as president, then lose your second term, the house, and tie the senate, then try to have your VP & members of congress murdered to stay in power, then steal confidential records, then lose the midterms...THEN you finally start to lose voters. Took them long enough. Wow.
@MeidasTouch it seems that MAGA has been using him while he thought he was using them. The bigot is gone but the bigotry is still strong.
@MeidasTouch I hope it works enough to rid us of DeSantis - he's worse than Trump because he has some self control.