
Join us in congratulating @th3j35t3r on a historic day for his social media network Counter Social AKA CoSo!

@MeidasTouch @th3j35t3r well done! Great app. We need to get more Bird app peeps over here. I like it so much more.

@MeidasTouch I see the blue check now. Guess verified accounts exist here too.

@MeidasTouch @th3j35t3r Congrats! Heck of a day! Takes some getting used to at first but I love it. This has A LOT of room to grow.

@MeidasTouch @th3j35t3r no kidding. I'm so proud of @th3j35t3r , I feel like an old auntie.......congrats 👏 👏 👏

@MeidasTouch @th3j35t3r

It would be interesting to know how many newcomers came in today.

@MeidasTouch @th3j35t3r he's put some work into it for the last couple of years and deserves a huge thank you!

Thank you Jester ❤️

@MeidasTouch @th3j35t3r congratulations… now help… how do I follow ppl…

@MeidasTouch @th3j35t3r please amplify this loudly across all your platforms. 500 characters AND an edit function? No trolls or bots? Shout it from the housetops!

@MeidasTouch Congrats, @th3j35t3r! But please fix the ipad app saspo... it is frustrating folks big time.

@MeidasTouch @th3j35t3r Great Job in handling the "subtle" lift in traffic and new users.

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.