
i have no clue what i’m doing here! 😳

@MarinaGipps Welcome! Please make sure to peruse the Help Section to help you become acquainted to site.

Welcome to CoSo
Hopefully, you are meeting new people, relaxing, posting what interests you & having a good time 😎


Be sure to go to @CoSoTips and read the User Guide there, as it will answer many questions you'll have as time passes. You can also download it in PDF format to keep nearby as a quick reference if needed.

Good luck!


hello & welcome.

you'll get used to the way things work as you play w/ it. press ALLL the buttons. you won't break anything 😋

if the site is overwhelming at 1st glance:
click on your handle > edit profile > preferences > ostrich mode > save changes.

check out the user guide - it's linked in the 3rd pinned post on my profile.

if you get stuck,
are a helpful bunch, too.

happy to have you here. 😊

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