Hey counter-socials (is that a thing?). Podcaster looking at Twit alternatives. Like the Tweetdeck-ish interface
@Daren @Macparrot this is true. Still a rookie, here. I might not even have the 'naut title yet. lol.
@Macparrot @Daren Indeed! Cousins one or twice removed, at most! Though I do expect you have a much more intelligible speaking voice...
@Daren Cosmonaut! Love it! LOL
@Macparrot I've just migrated from Twitter to here. So far, I love this layout and engagement far more than Twitter, which I barely used even prior to the Musk takeover.
@nerdysoutherner I do like the Tweetdeck-ish layout. It's what I've always used on Twitter
@Macparrot Look no further! If actual engagement is what you're after (and not just a number of followers--whatever that may or may not mean), you've found it!! Welcome aboard!! 💜
@Macparrot welcome
@AlbertCashiersCousin Thanks! Writing notes for today's show right now!
@Macparrot I hope you've brought your audience and fan base with you
@AlbertCashiersCousin Shrug, won't know in any event unless they tell me. All I do is give the alts
@Macparrot I believe the official designation is #cosonaut