Sooo….what are all the pro-hamas Jew haters (and whether they admit it or not thats what they are) going to be angry about when its not cool to be angry about Gaza anymore? And are we “zionist hoodlums” aka ACTUAL JEWS supposed to just say “yeah well all that hateful ignorant shit you said because you never read a book or talked to a jew in your fucking white anglo privileged life is all forgiven..we cool, Gentile…we cool”. I dont think so. Kind of done forgiving the ignorant.

@MPCavalier Everyone should be a Zionist; it seems only fair the Jewish people should have their own homeland: a forever sanctuary from the horrific racism/abuse/genocide they've oft-suffered elsewhere.

Even just looking at religions: there're 50 Muslim-majority nations, 126 Christian-majority nations, 7 Buddhist-majority nations, 3 Hindu-majority nations, &c.

People of countless other faiths/ethnicities have places where their beliefs/heritage are majority.

Jews at LEAST deserve one too.


Precisely. My argument is with people who
-use “zionist” as an ethnic slur
-use the never ending war between palestine and israel as a diving board for their overall jew hatred
-and a new group i just added: people who misconstrue my disdain for the above two groups as somehow “bigoted”

Im being specific enough I think.

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