Sooo….what are all the pro-hamas Jew haters (and whether they admit it or not thats what they are) going to be angry about when its not cool to be angry about Gaza anymore? And are we “zionist hoodlums” aka ACTUAL JEWS supposed to just say “yeah well all that hateful ignorant shit you said because you never read a book or talked to a jew in your fucking white anglo privileged life is all forgiven..we cool, Gentile…we cool”. I dont think so. Kind of done forgiving the ignorant.
Thats not what i said. I am upset about gaza too. I am, in case its unclear, referring to a specific subset of people who have jumped on the “anti-zionist” bandwagon without knowing anything other than “i should be angry about this”. Before they know it they are equating all Jews to the Israeli government and that heats up into anti-semitism faster than matzoh on a hot rock. We good?