
A year ago, my 12yo daughter walked away from gymnastics after 8 years, too many injuries, her body told her it was time. Today, she competed in her first diving meet. 6 dives, and she put up scores good enough for first place in her level. "Proud" is the understatement of the century. Side note - she still smiles at the judges when she walks on to the diving board - a reflex leftover from gymnastics.


Yay! Congratulations to all of you! I remember when she made the difficult decision to switch sports. It's wonderful to hear she's doing so well, but not surprising in the least. She's got heart. 👍😊

Yeah - her confidence level is where it should be - she's back to "beginner/intermediate" level so she made that adjustment. Also - diving brings with it NONE of the pomp and circumstance of gymnastics - there are no "rules" for hair or make up or any of that stuff. I think that drove her (any my wife) the most nuts!

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