I would not be surprised to hear this on CNN:

"It's important to maintain a level of anonymity for these jurors in particularly....so....do we know the home addresses of these jurors and their close family members and can we put those up on the screen for our viewers?"


"We understand that juror #7 goes on a 5 mile jog every morning at precisely 645, along riverside drive, stops to do jumping jacks somewhere near riverside and 151st at the pedestrian bridge...."

@MPCavalier "More information about Juror #8 - she rides the train to school every morning with her three children, ages 6, 8, and 10, to the 103 St station and walks a block with them to the PS 72 Lexington Academy at 7:30am, then continues to work in the Flat Iron district to the 23 St station..."

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