
I'm not even sure what I am doing up. Our sump pump failed earlier today. The sump pit is about half full. We are getting sporadic rain storms right now. I'm just kind of sitting here in the basement waiting for a flood to happen? I dont even know how that would happen but I've heard of it happening. Sometimes owning a house just isn't fun.

@MPCavalier Yeah, I spent about a week with a drain trying to find the clog in the pipes that stopped the tub from draining.

"The Guy" is coming in the morning. The pump is old and I'm sure we need a new one. But my anxiety is telling me that my basement will flood if i go upstairs and sleep. It was working on Saturday.

New sump pump and battery back up system going in as I write this. It's a big $$ hit but as my brother says "home ownership is a cruel bitch". And with all of the horror stories I hear about flooded basements around here, I take no chances.

@MPCavalier Oh yeah.. My water heater cooked out and half flooded the basement a couple years ago. The part wasn't that expensive but many things were ruined, and it was fun cleaning that up.

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