Can you tell us more about the scope of your need? As you know, I'm in Colombia and my income is very low (though it goes further here) and I'm still paying off debt, but what exactly are you looking to cover?
Rent for a couple of months until you move?
A ticket to Colombia (maybe someone has points)?
Help with costs for moving the animals?
Food, medicine?
It can seem SO overwhelming, but hopefully it will help to break everything down into specific targets.
🫂 #MutualAid
@MLClark Is that specific enough? So many things could come up, so I am not sure if it would be helpful to add more stuff to the list or if it would look overwhelming..
But if anyone wants to know about something in particular that they would like to help with, please feel free to DM me. Sadly, I had to pause my CoSo subscription.
I've posted a version of your comments to reframe the ask a bit. There's a definite craft to this whole "asking for aid" thing, and it definitely helps when people see a clear goal and journey they can help you achieve. Also, putting a face to your story helps to get that first click-through to your PayPal site (most folks will skim by it otherwise)!
Like I said, my own finances are lean and dependent on the kindness of others, or I'd help out myself. But hopefully some can!
@MLClark I know, it's hard. I have my health insurance, pension, my "disability allowance" all in pesos, so the last few years since the pandemic, have been brutal, especially with the skyrocketing costs and the shrinking of the peso meeting right there, where it hurts the most.
@MLClark it's broken down like that in my PayPal fundraiser, but you have it right:
-October rent (due now 😞) and hopefully another month if I can raise the funds.
-My passport + transport(I have to travel to DC)
-Cats needs for the ICA in Colombia (vaccines, etc)
-Ticket one way (not sure about the rate, but my family might be able to help with this one but not sure)
Those are like the big expenses.
It goes the way of the Dodo with an eviction though ...