
This is honestly such a great time for CoSo to launch our wee little dream.

Articles like this one are constructed to sound the alarm. There's nothing more proactive in the delivery than simply suggesting that things are going very, very wrong (which they are)... which is why we need proactive discussion on how to turn the tide toward correcting the mistakes of hyper-centralized digital media.

We can do better, gente.
In some corners, we already are. 💪🏻


"We decide what you really need to know without all that tedious mucking about with that mushy thing in your head. Trust us. You know, the company that decided 'Do No Evil' as a company motto was bad for business, and quietly removed it from everything …"


"And by 'we', we mean that we're just going to trust our fancy new regurgitator to regurgitate exactly the right auto-answer even in querying scenarios that call for great nuance at the best of times. What could possibly go wrong?!"

--Company that couldn't keep anti-Black rhetoric, Blood Libel conspiracy theories, generic anti-woman and anti-queer content, and even awful responses to prompts related to suicide and disordered eating off its main pages for years. 🙃


It's a shonda, but they have no longer any shame to them, so …

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