Being pro-pluralist democracy isn't easy during war, when everyone wants to flatten groups to single POVs. But it's necessary to defend our full humanity.

Today there was an ultranationalist rally in Israel backed by gov't extremists, calling to resettle Gaza. This is on the back of extremists blocking aid trucks for months.

The US is not the only state in inner turmoil.

This is why we stand for democracy, not hivemind reductions of any given people to solo POVs.


It should go without saying, but my heart is with everyone striving to make their state more democratically vibrant, robust, and safe for all.

Pluralism is HARD to sustain, because different groups in a democracy will always have different ideas about how to achieve the aforementioned aims, & those ideas won't always mesh or play well together.

But we *have* to strive for a world of more constructive dissent.

The alternative is a world in which we're endlessly fending off the worst extremes.


It's also very hard to sustain in apartheid, where you have one set of laws for one people and another for another.

@MLClark anti-pluralist feed the human tendency for group identification and seed divisions to divide and conquer.


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