The fog of is wild, so as much as I dread repeating myself: remember that *all info is a weapon in war*. News cycles don't give a hoot about empowering you. They feed on your shock and outrage.

Right now, there's a "gotcha" being spun around ID & non-ID'd deaths, which is being presented as new because it serves the cycle for everyone to be in a state of shock and distrust. But we've known for weeks now that one or more of five data points aren't available for many bodies.


*Just encouraging people to watch their cardiovascular health.

Many parts of the media ecosystem right now (legacy and social network alike) are doing a terrible job empowering average citizens with accurate and useful data. We're encouraged to be ready to go at each other over the slightest trigger instead.

And if you get your rocks off on that rush, more power to you!

But if folks want to step away, don't feel like you're missing much.

War is a destroyer of truth.
Travel safely out there.

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