I have the post-sitting-too-long sillies and am going for a walk.

How are you touching grass today?

Have you talked to a bug, a flower, or a tree?

Hugged/high-fived a loved one?

Put your phone on airplane mode for an hour or three, so that you can pace yourself when absorbing all the crushing failures of the world about which you can do nothing, nothing at all?


(3/4 ain't bad!)


"How are you touching grass today?"

um... I am about to mutilate it.

Going to mow my lawn for the first time this year. Need to mow it before I hear a Tarzan yell in the newest Jungle he found

Now i feel bad for ruining your idiom



Hey, I didn't set strict enough parameters! Thanks for offering an edge case to teach me to sharpen my user stories going forward! :)

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