I have the post-sitting-too-long sillies and am going for a walk.

How are you touching grass today?

Have you talked to a bug, a flower, or a tree?

Hugged/high-fived a loved one?

Put your phone on airplane mode for an hour or three, so that you can pace yourself when absorbing all the crushing failures of the world about which you can do nothing, nothing at all?


(3/4 ain't bad!)


Sat in the grass talking to a rabbit βœ…

Hugged & felt-up a loved one βœ…

Hydrated with water, coffee & milk βœ…

Ignored several pieces of flamebait βœ…



Oh, you took this assignment to 11. Glorious work. No notes. πŸ‘ŒπŸ»


Oh, and I wrote an apology note to my quarrelsome south neighbour for going too far onto her grass with my lawnmower. Aren't I just special? 🀣


You're building the foundations for an excellent short story or two with some of your adventures there, I'd wager!

May you tread safely in your 'hood in the coming while!

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