
πŸ˜‚ I just came out of a volunteer meeting for a group I co-ordinate, in which we were given the highest praise for being an exemplar by which staff in the organization measure other committees.

I'm laughing, though, because from my side, it feels like I'm sitting in a house on fire whenever it comes to task management for this group. I ALWAYS feel behind on my work for this team.

But hey! Apparently we clean up well enough that the singe marks on our product output aren't noticeable to all. πŸ‘ŒπŸŽ‰

@MLClark fake it till you make it.

But on a serious note: not sure which tools you and your team are using to organise yourselves, but I have found in the past that finding the right tool for the job can be an absolute life saver. It relieves you of the stress when you aren’t on top of things at all times.


We've got some good ones! Lovely macros keep most of our everyday processes humming even when we're not on top of every new data point.

The problem these last few months has been that we're launching major transitions in workflow / product output, and it's taking a little time to adjust expectations among both internal and external partners to match. But things should become *much* easier once everyone's seen their part of the project go through the full process. A fun learning curve!


Perfection is a journey, not a destination. πŸ˜‚

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