
Ugh. I have been in video meetings all day. Our species didn't develop for this!

One English class now, then back to today's newsletter draft.

(And maybe a walk because I can't feel my legs. πŸ™ƒ)


Breathe, open yourself up, and fill all the empty spaces. πŸ‘


πŸ˜… I went right to dirty places, so thank you for the laugh! Very restorative.

@MLClark The only saving grace for video meetings for me is that it doesn't require that I actually take my happy ass to the site and endure it in person. Always tedious, rarely productive. Like most interactions that could have been covered by a few emails. I feel your pain!


Catching up on the delay caused by all that wasted time now, Ironworker. Thank you so much for the solidarity!

Hope things are going well in your neck of the woods!

@MLClark You're so very welcome, we're all in this together and face many of the same difficulties. I think it's a good thing to acknowledge them when we see and feel them. I'm there with you on the catching up part! Our company email was more down than up from last Friday morning til Monday evening. Tuesday was...tedious. We're mostly back in the groove, but trying to keep abreast of 10 or so construction projects by site visits and phone calls even for a few days was challenging.


Sounds like you're doing the best you can in overwhelming times.

Thank you so much for what Donna Haraway calls "Staying with the Trouble". It matters.

I hope the stress of it all eases soon, but well done - and thank you - to your team either way. Rest when you can!

@MLClark Thanks. It was challenging, but I'm pretty good at recognizing what I can and can not do/fix. Basically it was a few day clusterfuck with ad-hoc mitigation and it all is working out OK, not without a few ruffled feathers.(lol). The "Staying with the troubles" reference is new to me but I love the term/concept "Oddkin" and I hope that we are!

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