Serious question:

With all the bullpucky in our current tech product news cycles, what's a device or service you would *actually* like to see developed, that isn't currently being promoted or getting the funding it deserves?

@MLClark we desperately need news or news analysis services that are fact based, that include in their process context, objective disagreement where it exists, discusses their process along the way (citations, identifying fallacies & propaganda techniques used etc.); coverage that transcends duality. A service that leverages the speech recognition and search capabilities of AI for real time fact checking, but human moderation to prevent AI errors from being transmitted as fact. How about you?



Oh, is that all? 😂

Re: media - I've mentioned before that I think top-down article structure, and all the centralized authority it invokes, is part of the problem. There are a few formats that present community context and discourse in better ways (e.g., Medium lets users highlight & lend context to main article content), but we still need a huge paradigm shift with respect to how we visualize authority.

(Maybe go back to wiki first principles, and rebuild the net from there?)

@MLClark I‘ll fall back to my stock line “a dog can dream”.

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