Looking for respectful input on just this question: In the current climate, what should someone who is BOTH pro-Israel's Right to Exist AND pro-Palestinian Rights (ie, looking for the Two-State Solution, finally) supposed to call ourselves? "Pro-Palestinian" is being used to mean Anti-Israel in popular shorthand, so is that out, now, even for those of us to whom it does not apply?



The problem is that no matter what one calls oneself, there will always be those who treat the term as suspect, because there's no "neutral" here; everything is infowar now.

Most of us are ill-prepared, though, for a world in which all discourse is shaped by fears that we'll be seen as giving aid to X just by talking.

So I'm humanist in this conflict, but for exactly that reason I'll also be considered a two-faced saboteur to some no matter what. That's the hard nature of war. 🫂

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