I would never submit my own data to a genetic test, but my sister did years ago (thus covering all of us), so every now and then I get to chuckle at the fact that I am White As Fuck... while also wondering about the Spanish/Portuguese on my mother's French heritage side.
Would they be chuckling to see me in one of Spain's old colonies now? (Sometimes locals assume I'm from Spain or Portugal.)
We humans get around, don't we?
Especially while colonizing, or driven by colonizers out of our homes.
Hot damn! Your ancestors travelled.
@MLClark I'm Cuban. Between the slavery, both African and indigenous, well, I'm a mix.
Do you know which Indigenous peoples you might have in your lineage?
Wayú? What a rich heritage.
Although there's still a good chance you've got Taíno heritage; recent DNA analyses show abiding genetics in modern day Puerto Rican and other Caribbean communities. And there are small groups who continue the ancient ways. (Similar happened in South America - white anthropologists declared groups extinct and some tribes were content to be left alone that way.) Either way, quite a story.
@MLClark Well. The native Taino were all but wiped out. So the Spanish imported Guajira from Venezuela.