
Today's piece took far too long, because it involved a lot of careful revision and consideration.

I knew I had to write about the 100-day mark for Israel and Gaza, but what I really wanted to call our attention to is how much these last few months have taught us about ourselves - when angry, when hurt, when afraid.

We are *very* good propagandists when we've been thrown into more brutal war.

We have a lot of healing to do from how good we are at wielding news this way.


These past few months have been like no other I can remember. Like so many others, my head has been constantly spinning. This is excellent. I've passed it along to everyone on my list.


🫂 I'm thankful it was of use, Lise. These articles always lay me pretty low, because it's hard to see the world go in such painful directions, and not be able to ease any of the underlying trauma.

I know most of us do the best we can, but we also have a media economy and culture that *actively traumatizes us* in such times, compelling us to act through emotions that bring out the worst in us.

I wish people had been allowed to grieve properly from the outset. But here we are instead. 🫂


Exactly. And now that we are here, where can go? So much of the harm done seems to be irremediable. Which way is forward for those most affected, and even for us, when rebuilding lives and *trust* means constant negotiation with that trauma? I guess it's time to seek out the most resilient voices of hope, wherever they are.

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