There is actually a really simple solution to almost all of the issues surrounding Israel.

Stop trying to kill Jews and other Israeli citizens simply because they exist.

That's it, that's the solution.

Sounds easy doesn't it? It's not rocket science after all.

*taps sign*

Never Again is not a polite request. It's a statement of intent.

@Render *sighs

Why can’t the Saudis provide a place for Palestinians? Why won’t they? Do you know?

@Museek @Render Ha. There are fourth generation Palestinians born in resettlement camps in Jordan.

@Notokay @Render I feel so ignorant about the area.. what do you mean? Did Saudis do this in Jordan? Sorry I am so unfamiliar

@Museek @Render Ren could explain better than I, but basically when the Palestinians who sold their land to the displaced Holocaust survivors upon the creation of Israel by the British emigrated to other Arab countries, they were housed in resettlement camps, where they and their descendants remain to this day. Never welcomed into those fellow Muslim countries. Political pawns.


Not quite, Notokay. All the Palestinians who fled to Jordan after 1948 are full citizens. (Around 3/4s of the Palestinian population in Jordan.) The big issue came around 1967, with the people who fled then from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Those folks still find themselves stateless today, in part out of later malicious compliance, Jordan ceding the West Bank to the PA. It's messy, but not accurate to say that Palestinians were never welcomed by Arab countries.

@Museek @Render


Definitely. There are reasons in the 1960s and 1970s that the refugees were kept in temporary status, and reasons given in the 1990s, and reasons again in the 2000s.

But it's not accurate to say that other Arab countries didn't accept Palestinians. The vast majority of Palestinian refugees in Jordan (those stemming from the late 1940s) have full citizenship.

@Notokay @Museek

@MLClark @Render @Museek Thanks for the correction. It has been a number of years since I last read about the refugees in Jordan.



None of us can be expected to stay sharp on everything! That's why it's so, so important that there are healthy spaces for conversation online- so we can learn collaboratively, not combatively.

Thanks for creating the opportunity to flesh out a deeper conversation here!

@Render @Museek

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