
Cormac McCarthy has died at 89 (confirmed today by his publisher, and announced by Publisher's Weekly).

McCarthy's work taught me that it was perfectly fine to write in whatever mode the story called for. Sometimes that's minimalism. Sometimes a whirlwind of rich prose.

But most importantly?

He taught me that history is littered with erasures. We fill in the gaps where we can.

I am grateful for his life.


I'm sorry to hear about the passing of someone you admired and were inspired by. Our heroes teach us to reach higher than we imagine possible, they show us the stars in dark skies, and push us to be the best we can be. What a joy it is to know such a wonderful human being crossed your path, if only by way of his gifted words.

Had he been blessed to know you, ML, I have no doubt he would have admired you, too. ❤️


Oh, that is very kind.
Thank you Lisa. 🤗

I don't mourn folks who were able to live well, find peace, and make such a deep contribution with their time in the cosmos. Isn't that the best case scenario for any of us?

So I hope my post didn't come off as grieving; I am *very* thankful he had a chance to shine, and just wanted to honour a life lived to its fullest. Not everyone gets the chance!

But I am *deeply* thankful for your generous words, too. Thank you for your heart. ❤️

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