
Every day, , I wonder where I've been these past five years.

This place is everything I ever wanted in a communal hub.

You're all just wonderful.
I love your animal snaps.
I love your playlists.
I love your quirky thoughts and creative labours laid bare.
I love your vulnerability with the weight of the world in your neck of the woods.
I love your presence with each other when they share *their* weight, too.

We have such goodness in us.
So thankful we have this place in which to share it.

@MrGoat Thank *you*! In general, and for giving such a warm welcome when I got here!

@Susandoyle 100%. And if this feeling turns out to be self-selecting? Well, then I'm still glad to have found the people who feel the same way I do about our online sphere. And I'm really glad to have made the acquaintance of lovely people such as you.

@MLClark I find with those I have come to know here the feeling is very much like ours

@MLClark I'm new in Cosoland but I'm grateful and happy that I've landed here. I enjoy the accessibility of it all and the basic decency of the interactions here, absent the contention of so many interactions on other soc media platforms

@MLClark A feeling we all share put to such lovely words. 🧡

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