My early drafting process for a novel amounts to revising & expanding on the first 5-10,000 words before I can go forward. But! Each time through, the world feels more fully realized (the main characters a little more lived in) & the cadence of the whole starts to sing--so there's that.

I have to switch gears soon, to start work on an article I'm not so keen about--but I'll find a way to channel my dislike of the topic into something better. πŸ˜‰

@MLClark As always, I wish you well with all of your writing! I love the art and I'm curious about what keywords you may have used. I feel there *may* have been some Borgian influences..

@LiseL Not Borg this time! I drew on the Death Star as a good base for a massive station-world in the nebula where my story takes place:


"massive black and purple death star planet in the middle of a nebula in space, surrounded by small spaceships and colony ships in a sea of stars, hyperrealistic, detailed, epic, realistic, astral, cosmic, artistic, science fiction, --ar 16:9"

Then a lot of tweaking to find something that felt right. (Other parts are proving tough to pull off!)

@MLClark Oh, the Death Star, doh! I'm just too Trekcentric! That's super fun. I hope it inspires you. (I don't do them but I maybe I should have a go.)

@LiseL No such thing as too Trekcentric! Perish the thought! πŸ–– πŸ˜‚ It was used out of pure efficiency, with respect to what might get a round artificial space structure out of Midjourney fastest. Thanks for the kind words of support!

@LiseL πŸ€” You know what? I'm going to put it to the test! I assumed that Borg cubes would be more common than Borg spheres in its database, so I'm swapping out "death star" with "Borg sphere" - leaving everything else the same! - and we'll see where that takes us.

@MLClark Well then, do update me on your findings. I'm always interested in what it knows (and why it knows it)...


@LiseL Sure enough, with "Borg sphere" in place of "Death Star", it could *not* figure out that it needed to put marks of artificiality on the planet. It kept constructing a planet with natural features. This is the closet approximation I could get from that start. Not bad, but not a giant round space-station. Clearly needs some more Trek lore!

@MLClark Huh. It looks like a ginormous marble is smushing the planet! 🀯 The first one was definitely superior. You'd think Trek fans would have taught it everything they know by now. My first go at will involve Klingons, methinks....πŸ˜‚

@LiseL Okay, now I have to see its take on Klingon agriculture! πŸ˜… Warriors need to eat, too, but I doubt its image bank is quite prepared for that part of the mighty empire!

@MLClark Haha, that should be interesting! Klingon agriculture made my brain swing over to Vulcan architecture, and now I really have to try it for myself. So many distractions, so little time... 🎨 πŸ€“ πŸ––

@LiseL Please @ me for any explorations you share! So far I'm getting a lot of Klingons that look suspiciously like wookies... and honestly, it's having a lot of problems with Klingon facial structure in general. Still, this one is in the ballpark, so with some tweaking it might be feasible!

Looking forward to your experiments, whenever you can find time for them!

@MLClark πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ Alright, I'll keep you posted!

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