My early drafting process for a novel amounts to revising & expanding on the first 5-10,000 words before I can go forward. But! Each time through, the world feels more fully realized (the main characters a little more lived in) & the cadence of the whole starts to sing--so there's that.

I have to switch gears soon, to start work on an article I'm not so keen about--but I'll find a way to channel my dislike of the topic into something better. 😉

@MLClark Thanks for sharing an insight into your process. I think I end up doing something similar, although I’ve never really thought about it and definitely don’t do it with intention. It takes a lot of writing for me to discover who the characters really are. Or, I should probably say that it it takes a lot of RE-writing.


@bradreed Ah, but thankfully there's a lot of joy in the process, no? The "aha" moment, when it arrives, is quite satisfying. 👌

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