Woo! Story sale! 🎉 It's been a few years since my last in ANALOG, but I also don't send out stories unless I think they're a good fit. This one, at the edge of our solar system, features an oddball crew, its superstitions, & a mystery in the Oort. Figured it'd be just right for the hard-SF space-action-loving mag, & they agreed!

This'll probably be my last sale for a bit, while working on Novel #4, but it's always a joy when a story finds a home. 👌 The market's fierce, folks!


I am still so happy you found your way here and stayed 🙏😊


@Minholkin Me too. 🤗 I feel more grounded in gratitude and resilience, just by starting and ending my days with folks with similar outlooks. We have good reasons for outrage - the world is filled with harm and sorrow! - but not for forgetting each other's humanity along the way. :) Have the loveliest of evenings!

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