
Little Tuesday morning gratitude post. ❤️

, thanks to everyone who boosts the Good, who stays present with the Hard, who names the Bad but also thinks constructively about Next Steps, and who offers up Kindness so readily to those currently struggling -- even if it's still a struggle to enact that same kindness with oneself.

May all our disparate journeys converge upon a better end. 🕊️

@MLClark I need to be able to do more of all of the above ... I'm so busy taking care of myself and protecting myself that I don't focus enough on others anymore. I used to be the opposite. I gave so much of myself to everyone around me and neglected my own needs because I thought that was selfish. Now I'm self focused and that feels hard too but I have so much damage to repair at this point, I'm no good to anyone. I hope to find a proper balance so I can be better for others as well as myself.

@thewebrecluse Your prioritizing of self-care IS a gift to the world. Might not feel like it because of all that toxic conditioning (and as a parentified eldest kid who went into toxic helper roles all through my young adult life, I hear you!). But it's an action that not only heals past harm for you, but also gives license to others to do the same.

You are still SO good to everyone, just by being true to the journey that you're on for you. ❤️ And I'm hella glad I get to witness part of it now.

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