
πŸ‘‹ Hi ! So on top of writing scifi stories and essays, I always have a bundle of thoughts that I don't quite know where to place--which is why I started a newsletter last year, "Threedom!", that groups all sorts of different topics into "threes" each month.

This month, , article, and cultural analysis are joined with word of some incredible outreach initiatives, and... a ridiculous anecdote about a Bad Date. Skip around if you like! Enjoy, if you do!

@MLClark Loved the bit about "Spirit in the Sky".

And thanks for including the link to Ukraine aid efforts!

@JakeA Hey you! Thank you for your support, in both its forms today! πŸ€— Kind of funny to come upon histories like "Spirit in the Sky", because they're friendly reminders that you don't need to get it right. You just need to get it done, and then strike while the trend is hot! (That's all! Easy peasy! πŸ˜‚)

@MLClark I always chuckle at that song anyway because I wrote it into a rather silly scene like 10 years ago.

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