
The other thing I really like about is that it doesn't seem like the sort of place that encourages superficial "follow-back" exercises. So much of what's done on Twitter is about driving up your follower count, because there's this vague idea that if you have enough people following you, all kinds of socioeconomic opportunities will open up.

But that game doesn't ennoble us. It only reinforces toxic platforms for an elect few. I love being surprised by the wit & joys of strangers here. :)

@MLClark As someone who used to have 10K followers on Twitter before my original account got suspended, I know that all too well. Now? I just DGAF.

@MLClark 100% agree. I like how I can leave "Community Firehose" as my 1st panel (web login) and enjoy reading what I encounter there.

@MLClark I was just thinking the same thing. It's such a refreshing experience to not be targeted.

@AmandaSortOf "It's such a refreshing experience to not be targeted" is such a crushing sentence. :( We've really been resigning ourselves to making the best out of a rotten situation for a while, eh? May you always feel safe and supported here!

@MLClark Ha. I did not mean it in that sense...I was referring to targeted ads and force fed feeds. I hope you have a positive experience as well.

@MLClark Along those lines, I think the reason you don’t see too many “verified “ accounts or accounts with massive numbers is because it’s hard to leave that ego stroking. One of those folks is here and getting bent out of shape because their massive fan base isn’t here to echo their toots. 🤷‍♂️

@Ron Oh, that makes me ruefully laugh. Thanks for sharing. But it's so human, isn't it? At some point, when too much attention is set squarely on us, we start to believe ourselves entitled to it, that everything we say *must* be worthy of it. And that kind of thinking sure as heck doesn't make for healthy human beings!

@MLClark Exactly. I think that’s why people like Musk are so confident- with so many “followers,” it’s hard to think critically. And I reckon that could be addicting.

@MLClark same same same! The people who have been on here for a while made that VERY clear yesterday 😂 it's a hard habit to break after being conditioned for years to treat social media like a popularity contest. I really like how "popular" posts get thrust onto your feed and the likes don't appear at the bottom of the post unless you REALLY go looking for them. Evens the playing field quite a bit 🙂

@LiketheHurricane Oh, I hadn't even noticed that feature! What a clever bit of site design. Thanks for pointing it out!

@MLClark Welcome!
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