Happy ! 👾

Fellow ! ! What are you working on today?

My goal is to finish the first draft for a piece set in a world I've explored thrice before in . It's set on an alien world that human colonists were asked to vacate generations ago, after we made a real hash of things. Can local ties be restored when rescue comes for a lost civilian vessel?


@MLClark I'm trying (and failing, honestly) to focus on finishing up the fifth and final plot chain on my CYOA story-game concept. After that's done, all that's left is sandpaper and polish!


@sleepingbearcat Oh, I hear you on the ease of distraction! :) I hope you find your focus and knock that last plot chain out splendidly today. Congrats on being so close to the finish line!

@MLClark tomorrow is another day. Didn't quite reach the summit today. Hope your efforts were more fruitful!

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