Clear nail polish might seem innocent, but it's quite destructive. If applied to some surfaces, it becomes impossible to remove without damaging them. Therefor it is vitally important that you keep clear nail polish away from plastic safety or lab goggles, clear plastic containers, and the lenses of web cams and most outdoor/security cameras.
#Security #SecurityCameras #labequipment #goggles #webcams #privacy #privacymatters #plastic #securitycamera #surveillance #surveillancecapitalism
@MHS_Jenkins I bet clear spray paint that says it contains shellac or lacquer is a lot like clear nail polish, and shouldn't be sprayed at camera lenses and such either. Is that correct?
@AskTheDevil I don't know for sure but that's a good question. I'll look and see.
@MHS_Jenkins It would be terrible if someone accidentally messed up laboratory equipment, plastic items, or expensive cameras used for surveillance and to create paranoia and fear.
@AskTheDevil Oh man, apparently UV nail polish is even worse. So let's hope that information isn't out there.
@MHS_Jenkins Well, now that we know, we can keep people safe.
@AskTheDevil And it is our moral duty to do so. #NoOneIsComing #WeKeepUsSafe
@MHS_Jenkins Yep. There is no justice. Just us.
@MHS_Jenkins 👍 😈