This is your "lesser evil". The mainstream does not care about We the People. #VoteThirdParty #DemandChange #FuckTheSystem.
@AskTheDevil California is a Third World country. The US isn't far behind.
@MHS_Jenkins I agree. But anyone that votes third party in this presidential election is casting a vote for Mr. Don't Worry, There Won't Be More Elections.
Also, what third party? Which third parties in this country fit lefty values, aren't fake (like the greens), and are effective at getting people into office?
We're going to have to make one. The ones we have suck.
@AskTheDevil As I said to someone else, if you'd like I'll pair you up with the folks who keep telling me that a third party vote is a vote for Harris and see what y'all come up with between you.
@MHS_Jenkins Yep. These politicians are of _course_ going to promise you all sorts of things, pretend to be virtuous and believe in your ideals.
Sort of like used car salesmen tell you that lemon drives great.
Look at where this guy's big donations came from, then look at who he actually served here.
Certainly not the people already underserved by California.