I now have 10TB of drive space in my desktop computer.
That is mindblowing for an aging relic of the 1990s such as myself.
@nonayadambidnes @MHS_Jenkins My first computer had a tape deck with a counter on it so you could lable it with the ~### of data on the tape.
@Lucky188 @nonayadambidnes @MHS_Jenkins TRaSh-80? 4k RAM, external tape deck, that I also used for recording mix tapes from the radio 🤣
@Avidspark @MHS_Jenkins @nonayadambidnes They very same grey case with chicklet keyboard. (CoCo)
@Lucky188 @Avidspark @nonayadambidnes
"I grow old. . . I grow old. . .
I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled. "
@Lucky188 @MHS_Jenkins What's crazy is how bloody EXPENSIVE it all was too. I paid something like $3K for that first computer. Monitor extra.
@nonayadambidnes @Lucky188 that's another core memory--saving up money for a 56K modem and hating the cost when I was in college.
@AskTheDevil I'm an historian by professional training. I've seent 'em. I seent lots of 'em.
@MHS_Jenkins One of my favorites was a carving I did next to where water flows around the rocks. I carved a woman figure with a small animal, and it looked like the water was coming from her breasts, and the little animal was drinking the milk.
Except that it's been a while, so the female figure is nearly bisected, and it looks like she's peeing now.
It was meant to be about earth-motherliness, but time has rendered the scene all rule 34.
@MHS_Jenkins I know right? My first computer had a 250MB hard drive and was top of the line back then. I have single photoshop files bigger than that now! 😄