With Louisiana dem LeCombe defecting to the GQP I have to wonder how much it pays to betray your people, party and country these days. Apparently the NRA and Putin pay very well for ones soul. Too many politicians willing to sell out to fascism...it's sickening.

This veteran has formed a group of vets infiltrating neo-nazi extremist groups online. This is an informative video. Listen til the end when he discusses Project Husky. Please support taskforcebutler.org.


@JolieSaboteuse what they are doing to these 3 congress members will only be the beginning.

we all need to be paying attention to what's happening in Tennessee right now. 3 democrat congessmen are about to be removed from their elected posts and their constituents disenfranchised by the GQP. If they get away with this, it will not stop with Tennessee.

@Vikky Good to know! Thank you for that info 👍

I am deeply disappointed that none of the 34 charges include his threats and violent rhetoric towards DA Bragg and the judge. SMH

@JerichoTaskerDeaux the Marshalls and corrections department will take over from the secret service. He would most likely be jailed alone at a facility all to himself.

@Charles_Hawtrey they would always giggle and say something like "works for me" lol

@Charles_Hawtrey my mom was 71 when she passed in 2018 and she loathed Trump. When she was hospitalized tey would ask her if she knew who the president wa and she would glare at them and say "that orange turd of a lunatic is not my president". Somewhere she is doing a jig right now 😁

@Astartiel CHEERS! 🍾🥂🤸💃 and happy Indictment Day!

Lmao! PBS live showing the trumpers showing up outside mar-a-lardo....all of maybe 20 of them so far 😂

Now Trump can reuse covfefe as his safe word with his future cellmate 😁

@TheNewsOwl does he want some cheese with that whine? 😁

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