@q00w2 It's been years since I've separated someone from consciousness. Used to be a monthly thing.

I wasn't always a nonviolent Buddhist fella.

Violence isn't the way for *me* anymore. 💯


i love the second one: guy's saying "fascism is just free sp——" 👊 :trollsplat:


or even sucker punch, as the case may be. 🤣 😂

@q00w2 Nah, when contact is made I like their mouths to still be moving while looking straight into my eyes.

An open mouth makes the off switch easier to flip.

There's a reason fighters bite down on mouthpieces.

It's not just teeth protection. 💯


oh, his gob was moving … not for long, though.

@q00w2 @LowEndMuse I will hedge by saying that the situations where it is better to interact in some other way are vanishingly rare, and until that changes, your best bet is to punch them whenever possible.

@AskTheDevil @LowEndMuse

it's not like you're going to convert them with the power of reason. they may may be 'people' but only in a legal & let's just say nominal sense. they can't be tolerated if they can't evolve beyond gassing jews, gays, gypsies, non–whites or whatever the case may be.

they need to be erased off the face of the earth, imho, or at the very, very least they need to know that every time one raises their head they will and should face the whack–a–mole hammer.


@AskTheDevil @LowEndMuse

and that goes for the fucking confederate idiots, too. the usa would have been a lot better served and a lot farther along the path of equality & humanism if those knuckleheads had also been properly punished, humiliated, and disenfranchised (not to mention the leader's heads being separated from their bodies) and not just coddled and placated like they were in reconstruction.

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