
I picked the wrong summer to try to make foam rubber lined cervical collars fashionable. 🥵

@LowEndMuse put it in the freezer when you’re wearing the other one in the shower

@LowEndMuse @q00w2 they gave me a waterproof one for showers. My wife hand washed my extra linings when they got gross

@LowEndMuse @scottronaut5150

that, some duct tape and a shovel and we got ourselves a murder kit. 😂

@LowEndMuse @scottronaut5150

i suppose you could try some kind of ice pack around it, or freezing the lining.

@LowEndMuse I wonder if one of these above or below would help when it's gnarly hot? Still in the testing phase, here, but Wife said it helped while working outside last weekend.

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