@Pat_Walrond Late-ish, but it's 11:30 on a Saturday night. I usually hang out til 12 or 12:30 on the weekends. How about you? All set for the storm that I'm hoping turns out less than advertised for you?

@Ironworker229 As set as I can be... though a little perturbed that every new update seems to have it growing stronger by the time it reaches here. The only saving grace I guess, is that it's a fast moving storm... isn't sitting around getting even more stoked.

Oh, you're on the West Coast... still with time to catch up... lol

@Pat_Walrond Yes, Lol! I suppose that's a good thing, that it's moving fast. You'll get high winds, but it won't just park on top of you and rain heavily for days. Is that right?

@Ironworker229 Doesn't seem to have all that much rain, but you definitely don't want cat 3 winds pounding you in a slow grind. The surf's expected to kick up pretty bad so not much seabathing for the next couple of days.

@Pat_Walrond Well, the surf sounds like it'll be something, from the wind forecasts! Are you located in a safe-ish spot as long as you pass on the seabathing for a bit?

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