
The day before surgery anticipation is kicking in. I hate the waiting phase.

Anybody have a time machine?


Best wishes! I know what it's like to be on that precipice. Just make a list, do what you need to do, and focus on the recovery phase. The actual surgery is someone else's business.

@DavidSalo Absolutely! The waiting is hard. Especially for a guy like me that has OCD.

The pre op business is tougher on me than the surgery itself.

Thanks for the wishes. 💙


Waiting is the hardest part!
Let all the positive energy from calm you and give you strength 💪

@LowEndMuse I wish I could help with that, but may I suggest :420:

@scottronaut5150 I can't for 2 days before surgery. I'm already sober. That's part of the issue. 😜

@LowEndMuse here I am 11 days out. Keep breathing. It'll be over before you know it. Will Paige keep us updated?

@LowEndMuse take naps and snuggle with the pets and Paige. Not at the same time though.

Will she be giving us an update tomorrow? 🤞🏻


Gosh. I’ve missed before that you are having surgery. I’m sure wishing all the best for it to go smoothly and that recovery is unimpeded. Waiting is super rough. Hope the rest of the evening goes quickly for you. 💜


Hang in there, man. The current anxiety is temporary. You know this. Maybe focus on shifting your perspective? Acknowledge and appreciate that with each slow, steady breath you're closer to finally getting a needed medical procedure. And in the Now, you're safe and very much loved. 🫶

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