@northernbassist @LowEndMuse @TG2

If anyone finds themselves in Yukon, Territory Canada I highly recommend a visit here. When we lived there it was always a must once a year.



great site, thanks.. never seen it represented as a contiguous landmass extending that deeply east.

and 'american scimitar cat?" who wouldn't want one of those?

@LowEndMuse @TG2

@northernbassist @LowEndMuse @TG2 Right??

A majority of Mammoth archaeological finds are in the Yukon.

@northernbassist Honestly, in an alternate life I am probably an archaeologist. I love history and science. This is who we are. @LowEndMuse @TG2


what a time, too! so many amazing discoveries in every field, new fields....good times.

@LowEndMuse @TG2

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