
I updated my resume to add some new software proficiencies as ammunition and I feel good about it.

I also dropped my first two employers off the list because I don't think anyone cares that I used to work retail over 30 years ago.


@Lilithiel Nah, not old, just well experienced! I remember my first job as a teen at a full service gas station, over 50 years ago. Nowadays the interviewer would probably wonder what a full service station did.......

@Lilithiel Welcome. I dropped my early Summer day camp and retail experience some time back. The tech job I started in '94 is still there, though.

Nurse your aches, tell those kids to get off your lawn, enjoy. Dress inappropriately for your age and misbehave some if it makes your feel better. It's not that you're old: it's that you're still alive. Enjoy!

@00pi This is exactly what I needed to see today. Thank you! <3

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