
Has anyone successfully gone to their employer with an offer of higher salary from another employer and gotten a raise as a result? Or do they just show you the door?

@Lilithiel Nope. Not once. And when they didn't, I didn't wait to be shown the door. I'd just go to the new employer.

@Lilithiel I have gone to employers and explained that I had significantly better offers and how much those offers were.

With few exceptions, the two responses I got were "then go work for them" or they would make a counteroffer that was an insultingly low fraction of what the new place offers.

Ex: I got an offer for $25k more a year, and the company offered me $1k.

@Lilithiel Often, they'd say "It shouldn't just be about money, we want people who really want to work here and enjoy it!"

To which I would say "Then pay enough for that to work."

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