
Guns of Avalon, Roger Zelazny
Dune, Frank Herbert
Leviathan Wakes, James SA Corey
Take a Thief, Mercedes Lackey
Witches Abroad, Terry Pratchett
Fall of Angels, LE Modesitt Jr
The Hammer and the Blade, Paul Kemp

I guess this is more 7 authors to know me, because I love everything written by all of these authors.

@Lilithiel - excellent taste in books here. I note Pratchett but no Gaiman? And I thought I was the only human on Earth to have read Guns of Avalon.

@LordSpenserRoberts Gaiman, absolutely! The meme was limited to seven books and I had to prune so many out.

In addition to Neil Gaiman, I'd also have to include Ursula LeGuin, Scott Lynch, Tolkien, Raymond Feist, and PC Hodgell. But above all, Zelazny!

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