ATTN all &

This will be the last theme contest for 2019, and I'm happy to announce the theme for is

The HOLIDAYS!!!!!!

🎅 ✡️ 🎄 ❄️ 🕎 ⛄

I'm looking for 1 image that represents what the season of giving means to

Contest ends on Black Friday, November 29th


I have enjoyed and appreciated your CoSoCalender creations over this past year. I’m going to miss them!


@Minholkin Thank you Min, I've had a lot of fun doing them.


I hope there will be other ways we can regularly enjoy your creativity here.

No pressure.

Ok, maybe a little pressure 😁


I'm creating a for 2020 to release to all of . All the months at one time. It will be available thru and downloadable. So the Calendar isn't going away, but the contest is.

Everything comes to an end, if it didn't, there would be no beginnings

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