LS Musings...
"The internet has given us unbridled permission to insult people in ways we never would think about doing if we were actually in each others presence. The traditional rules that once governed etiquette, decorum and decency have stopped being subscribed to"
I saw an interview recently with Kanye West and David Letterman, Kanye was trying* to explain to Dave that’s why he wore the MAGA hat, worn to demonstrate in real life, since he gets berated and spit on, how people are unable to talk to each other or have constructive conversations.
Bringing what I think your article is about into life, like a painting. I think that was kind of artistic of him. I know a lot of people don’t like him but I appreciate his eclectic artist self. @LibertySpeaks
@Armchaircouch I can agree with that.
@LibertySpeaks Excellent and thank you for linking to Kron's post which I also had not read.
@stueytheround Thank you Stuey. When I decided to include the link to Kron's blog post and the paragraph snippet, it was to drive home to my readers just how disconnected we are these days from our own conscience when it comes to social media. @Kronykal captured that in his post perfectly
This is so well stated. I credit to I stopped saying things that I would not be saying to somebody’s face. The standards here reflected back positively IRL.
‘It has also changed the way we disagree with each other. We no longer have our conscience front and center during discussions or arguments and this has given birth to an entire new dynamic on how we deal with differing opinions. This disconnection has effectively become cyber booze’