Um. It's snowing in Las Vegas.
@queenofthedorks Any accumulation?
@LiberalLibrarian Nope. Too warm I guess. That storm was wicked though.
@queenofthedorks I wonder where it came from. Certainly didn't hit us here in LA.
@LiberalLibrarian The storm this morning had a lot of wind and the rain/snow was going kind of verticle. It seemed to come out of nowhere.
@LiberalLibrarian: Someone needs to start posting about how it's alien weather-control and/or Jewish Space Lasers causing it. That'll get loads of repeats and new variations on the theme from dipshits, i.e., the alt-right, Q, Fox, and all over the intarwebs, and in Congress. It'd be a hoot.
@LiberalLibrarian I was watching it from my office window.