@yogapaddlerun Yep, remember that well.
@yogapaddlerun And woe betide you if you messed up.
@yogapaddlerun AND you had to take out a small loan to call long distance.
@LiberalLibrarian @yogapaddlerun In the early 80's, I was in Asia, in a city with around 5 Million. Whenever I needed to call home to the US (or to receive a call) I had a 2 hrs bus ride, then a ferry to the Central Post Office, get in line, tell the operator the details, then wait 15-45 minutes for them to connect. Cost around $20 per minute...and I thought it was something so advanced...being able to literally talk to someone 12 time zones away...like science fiction...lol
@trairong We've come a long way, baby! LOL. @yogapaddlerun
@yogapaddlerun Kids these days...