Another plot point in "Hilary was right": The fact that so many of us were NOT raised by a village explains a lot of the sociopathy and dysfunction rampant in the world. I wasn't raised by just my parents; my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, my siblings, my cousins all had a hand in forming who I am. And that has made all the difference in my life. The atomization of families, their relegation to autochthony goes against most of human history.
@LiberalLibrarian Thanks for the dictionary visit and the new word I learned today. I like you in my feed because I love learning, and you often help me expand my vocabulary.
@Kms68 Thank you! It's my vocation as a librarian.
@LiberalLibrarian Well then, you are magnificent in your chosen profession.
@LiberalLibrarian it’s also a cultural thing as well.
@joycereynoldsward Yep. I make that point in the blog post I wrote for tomorrow, and expand on it.
@LiberalLibrarian my mother and all her cousins were heavily influenced by their grandmother, who had a heavy influence from her grandmother (a Methodist circuit rider’s daughter). We walked the line because YOU DARED NOT EMBARRASS THE FAMILY. I was also child to my friends’ parents. They all treated us like family - and when we got out of line, disciplined us too. It really was a village.