Clocks turn back this weekend, but the future of daylight saving time is far from settled
UGHHHHHHH!!!! I know……..⏰😖but thx for reminder.
Get ready to leave work at dark, eat dinner in the dark, and feel ready to go to bed by 8, y’all.
@TanSuitPlease I actually like the time change. Dark winter nights snuggling in bed. @TheNewsOwl
@TanSuitPlease I want to say that when the time changes again in spring, that'll be it. We'll be on daylight savings all year. I believe a bill was passed in 2021. @TheNewsOwl
@LiberalLibrarian @TheNewsOwl Aargh!! Guess the House wants more night snuggles??…
@LiberalLibrarian @TanSuitPlease @TheNewsOwl Last I read a few months back, it was assigned to committee for research. I hope it passes because I’m weary from this archaic practice. I believe much of Europe has done away with it so I can’t think Wall Street will be happy about the extra hour they’d have to wait for markets to open during DST, but I am not a trader so my opinion could be completely off base.
ps Enjoy starting your winter snuggles Sun. night!!
@TanSuitPlease Nope, I was wrong. The bill passed in the Senate, but hasn't been taken up by the House. @TheNewsOwl